Although we have not officially started and wont for 3-months as the old residents association has that time to help us transition from old to new, we felt we had to do something in relation to Morris’s Yard (aka) Oakleaf Farm.

So, we wrote a letter of objection to Jeffrey Ng of Spelthorne Council

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing on behalf of the residents of the 500+ properties in the village of Stanwell Moor.

We wish to protest in the strongest terms about the applicant’s proposal to increase the number of vehicle movements into the Oakleaf Farm waste management facility.

The reasons for our protest are as follows:

1. The road infrastructure simply cannot withstand further HGV traffic. The entrance to the site is frequently blocked with HGVs queuing to enter the premises, whilst other vehicles are exiting. This regularly blocks Horton Road to the extent where residents are unable to leave the village. An increase in HGV traffic will only exacerbate the problem.

2. The waste material carried by HGVs entering the site is not securely stored. In many cases, the waste material is covered by simple netting, which allows small pieces to escape. Consequently, the roads leading to the site are continuously littered with pieces of rubbish. This is an eyesore which blights visitors’ first impression of our village. It also attracts vermin, which could lead to public health issues.

We have attached photographs to illustrate both of these problems. More evidence can be supplied in necessary.

Stanwell Moor is already hugely affected by the Oakleaf Farm waste management site in terms of noise and smell. As you know, the site is in operation 24/7. We feel that this in itself is unacceptable and would welcome a restriction in the hours of operation.

We would urge the planning committee to take our comments into consideration and to reject the application.

Yours Faithfully,

Jim McIlroy
Chair – Stanwell Moor residents Association.

Jon Harvey
Vice Chair – Stanwell Moor Residents Association.

*If you would like a copy of this document, please contact support @

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