You Couldn’t Make It Up – Could YOU?

Have a look at this idiot who is (just about) weaving through traffic. Forcing cars off the road and out of his way, as he continues his journey down Horton Road.

On the “WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD” because of parked UCH employees and TAXIS!

Traffic coming the other way have ‘NO OPTION’ but STOP or face a HEAD-ON Collision!

Then yet another HGV is coming OUT of the yard.
So let’s just stop some more traffic and further annoy the locals, while you get out mate?

Oh, and just for good measure at the end of the clip a Simply Waste, Rubbish Truck, is coming into the village with their next instalment of rubbish. – More Food-Waste Anyone?

Create a NEW Entrance – PLEASE!!

(Q) How many more times do we have to we tell Surrey County Council they must NOW instal width restrictions before the bridge to STOP these huge vehicles coming off the M25, over a 7.5 tonne bridge. Before they career through what used to be a pleasant place to live, ruin our roads and endanger our residents while they make their way to Charles Morris Yard.

You NOW have the PROOF and we need this done NOW before someone is killed!

Morris entrance and the road both sides blocked, no traffic can get in or out!

An idiot trucker parked up on double yellow lines, on the wrong side of the road, just down from the yard before he goes off ‘the wrong way’ through the village and over our bridge to the M25!

But what has to be the most damning image of all.
Something that ‘MUST NOT’ be ignored. Something that can NO LONGER be denied and “MUST” be acted upon.
*Is the (VIDEO) in this post taken yesterday at 3:10pm!

“..I wonder would ANY of your Planning Department who continue to allow this to happen, or those who sat on the Planning Panel that approved Simply Waste’s application. People who know NOTHING about Stanwell Moor, much less care ‘it would seem’ about what happens to our village. – Would “ANY” of YOU like to live here??..”

TO ALL CONCERNED. Whether you are an MP, a councillor, a civil servant, or a business. I’m asking every individual reading this post or has been included in my emails. Please play your part, DO NOT prevaricate or procrastinate, do something positive instead of continuing to let the people of Stanwell Moor down. The community is no longer prepared to live like this and the reality is that collectively you have the power to resolve all of our blights.

So please join with me. Help Stanwell Moor and our Community – And ACT NOW!!

Jim McIlroy

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