The bridge and Yodel
We all have to reverse and wait while this huge Yodel truck negotiates its way round the mill to the M25.
We all have to reverse and wait while this huge Yodel truck negotiates its way round the mill to the M25.
I was pleased to walk around the village yesterday and note: No illegally parked taxis, there were only two that were legally parked. It was either fluke or they are taking the hint! What did concern me though is the smell emanating from Oak Leaf Farm Site, it was putrid, I feel so sorry for …
Some residents have brought up the fact that large commercial up to 40 tonnes are going over a bridge that has a 7.5 tonne weight limit and yet the Council does nothing about it! How can this be allowed and how will it go on? Well we are putting this to our MP and the …
ADDISON LEE: – REMOVE YOUR VEHICLES. – 7th April *Stepping up the campaign against taxis, with brands first. Sent to Addison Lee on Friday. Time-stamped at 7:48am. Hello, I am writing to you as Chair of the Stanwell Moor Residents Association. As you will be aware, our village is blighted by taxi-drivers who use the …
Welcome to the new Stanwell Moor Residents Association. After the resignation of the former residents association on the 6th of March 2018 and an EGM in the village hall. We were voted in as elected officers of the new community association by Stanwell Moor residents on Monday the 12th of March 2018. “That being said, I want …
On the 23rd March 2018 I had my first meeting with our Westminster MP Kwasi Kwertang The meeting went very well. He is very supportive and he is 100% behind us. He feels that: “…We ‘he was including himself when he said this’ are in a very good place with this, to get the result …
On the 20th March 2018, Heathrow Airport held its first ‘listening event’ for the people of Stanwell Moor. The event that gave residents an opportunity to voice their opinions on issues and to inform the airport of their concerns was very well attended. A packed-out village hall certainly let Rob Gray and his team know …
Heathrow holds listening event for Stanwell Moor! Read More »
After speaking with Ian Harvey, Leader of Spelthorne Council here is one of his replies sent on the 16th March 2018: Dear Mr McIlroy Thank you for your introduction. …I trust that you have seen our press release following our response to the Heathrow consultation, where I call for the inclusion of all Stanwell Moor …
Although we have not officially started and wont for 3-months as the old residents association has that time to help us transition from old to new, we felt we had to do something in relation to Morris’s Yard (aka) Oakleaf Farm. So, we wrote a letter of objection to Jeffrey Ng of Spelthorne Council Dear …
Objection to vehicle increase proposal on village! Read More »
Velit incididunt quaerat ac, magnam quia! Proin necessitatibus, at euismod lectus voluptates ornare inventore! Quam iste exercitation eiusmod? Vestibulum, ullam, quam, cupiditate id, soluta risus cupidatat tortor dolores asperiores similique, eveniet tincidunt commodo lobortis fugiat voluptate reprehenderit cillum molestiae rhoncus etiam aliquam! Qui cras? Quidem inventore, dui inventore, libero purus ac assumenda. Alias ullam do …